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A Thousand Thank Yous
Okay, here’s the situation: We’re so completely floored to have won *Gold* BEST MUSEUM; *Gold* BEST ART GALLERY; *Gold* BEST ATTRACTION; and *Silver* BEST PLACE TO TAKE VISITORS in the Seattle Times’ Best in the Pacific Northwest Reader’s Choice Awards that we’re having trouble talking about it.
So, in order to adequately say thank you to our friends, neighbors, and beloved community, we’ve set our thoughts to music. In particular, Vanessa Carlton’s 2002 smash hit A Thousand Miles. Here’s the video in case it’s been a minute. We hope this says it all.
A Thousand Thank Yous
You can find us downtown,
Under the Needle, lots of people ride the Monorail.
Filled up with pop culture dreams, guitars and screams,
Gamer screens and a hall of fa-ame.
And we get you
MoPOP loves you
No need to wonder
If the Seattle Times did Choice Awards
Would MoPOP earn some decent scores?
Cause you gave us three gold medal wins,
And we can never thank you… enough.
You voted us Best Museum, Best Attraction,
and Art Gall’ry in the whole Northwest.
We’ve never felt so strong, you said we belong,
You’re all nerds and we are so obse-essed.
And we get you
MoPOP loves you
No need to wonder
If the Seattle Times did Choice Awards
Would MoPOP earn some decent scores?
Cause you gave us three gold medal wins,
And we can never thank you… enough.
And we, we can’t wait to see you
Soon, soon for these exhibitions
Ooo, ooo you’re gonna love them
You, you rock
You can find us downtown,
Under the Needle, lots of people ride the Monorail.
Filled up with pop culture dreams,
Guitars and screams,
Gamer screens and a hall of fa-ame.
And we’ll always get you
We’ll always love you
We’ll never wonder
If the Seattle Times did Choice Awards
Would MoPOP earn some decent scores?
Cause you gave us three gold medal wins
And we can never thank you…
Oh the Seattle Times did Choice Awards
And MoPOP earned some awesome scores.
Cause you gave us three gold medal wins
And we can’t ever thank you…
Really never thank you…